There are number of online service to create websites, however not many options are available if your are looking to create a 'Flash based website or content' Well, here comes a very good and free option to create flash based websites online 'Wix' Using this service you can create websites,
10 URL Shortening or Snipping Services
URL (Universal/Unique Resource Locator) is term used for the weblink/web address of a specific page on a website. URL Shortening is used to reduce the length of weblink. For example, Original URL:
5 Free Video Editing Software for Movies
Do you like to play with videos or want to do it? Well, most of hi-fi video editing software comes for a price. However, there are some very good free Video editing software that wont cost you a single penny! These software all most of the basic video editing features of transition effects,
35 New Windows Vista Run Commands
Windows Vista got a new look control panel with number of new icon and some of older things getting re-organised differently. Vista also got some new run commands, basically these commands are used to access some function located in the control panel itself. Try them out and start exploring Windows
5 Ways to Capture Screenshot of a website
Sometimes you may want to capture screenshot of a webpage for that special use. There are number of ways to do so. For starters, using PrintScreen function works the best. With webpage opened press the PrintScrn button (located on top right part of keyboard). Then open Microsoft Paint (Click on
Dekho at New Colorful Look of ZoomTV’s website
Zoom TV Isko Dekho, India's first lifestyle channel which is now reduced to bollywood and TV gossip/masala channel is looking for new life. Zoom TV recently revamped its website for good (or bad!) Why? Channel is interested in offering its content of interviews and other celebrity bytes through
Download PC Mag’s 100 Favorite Blog List
PC Mag has just released List of top 100 Favorite Blogs. However, these blogs are not the Top Blogs or Best Blogs. The list merely represent subjective evaluation of blogs. The process began by rounding up PC Magazine staff's favorite blogs. As PC Mag explains, it was more difficult to trim the
Microsoft’s Live Search 411 to take on Google’s 411
Microsoft seems to be in over drive to catch up with Google in every application and sevice. Microsoft has now launched its Local Search called 'Live Search 411'. It will compete will 'Google411' Local Search. US residents can use toll-free access from any phone, by dialling 1-800-225-5411
Gmail Keyboard Shortcuts for faster browsing
Majority of time is spent checking emails of friends, associates and of course replying to them as well. Besides Yahoo, number of people use Gmail for Email needs. So here is list of Gmail Keyboard shortcuts, that will help in quicker browsing, composing, replying of emails. Also, before you try
Websites to See Best Youtube Videos Quickly
Well Youtube does not need any introduction. It has really huge collection of user generated videos, ranging from different categories. Due to this huge number, it can be a real pain to check out top videos quickly. Possible solution to this is websites that offer viewing of top Youtube videos,
Check blog/website look & design in different browsers
More and more people are using browser other than Internet Explorer. Firefox is the front runner in non-Microsoft browser. As a blogger or webmaster it is very important that your blog/site has consistent look in all browsers. Unfortunately, you have to put in some extra tags to achieve that, in
New OS Brothers, Linux’s Vixta & Window’s Vista
Are you strict believer and user of Linux, but also got attracted to looks of Microsoft Window's Vista? If so, don't worry, Linux got solution to this issue with Linux's Vixta. Its not just name, even looks are very similar. You can call it as Linux's answer to Window's Vista. Vixta is a