Download TVTonic to watch Olympics Free of charge

Olympics fever is about to begin. Besides the live action on TV you can also catch the same on your computer. While NBC has partnered with Microsoft to bring exclusive Olympics portal, it has also partnered with TVTonic to deliver live action on your computer. Using TVTonic you will be able to

Digging out Best of June 2008 on Techno Life tothepc

Last time, monthly review went missing all together. No missing in the middle of the year, here goes best of June 2008 on 'Techno Life @' Starting off with Toolbox: 5+ alternatives to Twitter, Twit Twit somewhere else! 5 Online Tools to add Reflection to Images real quick 5

Download Adobe Reader 9 with Improved features

Version 9 of Adobe Reader is now available for free download and use. Adobe Reader 9 promises new capabilities, better performance and stronger security. Improved launch speeds - Adobe has enhanced general performance and in particular has reduced launch times with Adobe Reader 9. Till now, we

8,002,530 FireFox3 downloads, World Record is Official

Whole of the web was buzz with FireFox3 release and Mozilla's attempt to create Guinness World Record. With more than 14,000 improvements, FireFox3 was looking better than ever before. With urge to be part of World Record loads of people downloaded Firefox3 on Download Day. It is OFFICIAL now,

Use Google Talk to make free International Phone Calls

Talkster's official integration with GTalk2VoIP brings huge surprise for all Google Talk users. Now, using Google Talk you can make FREE International Phone Calls to any phone in over 30 countries. No registration, no credit card, even no sign up needed to get started with free calling ride. You

Google Code Jam, get coding for $80,000 prize

Google Code Jam is for you, if you enjoy solving tough problems and grappling with technical challenges. Besides the challenge, there is over $80,000 in prize money. Google Code Jam is a coding competition in which professional and student programmers are asked to solve complex algorithmic

NASA has 35 meanings, dig more with Acronym Finder

For starters, an acronym is an abbreviation composed of the initial letters which is pronounced as a single word. For example FBI is an abbreviation, while NASA is an acronym. Both represent short notation, but pronunciation type differentiate an acronym and abbreviation. After all that basic

Huge Favicons Collection created by Firefox Browsing

Your browser is caching and sending every favicon of website you visit on daily basis! Project 16X16 aims to create huge repository of favicons with the help of this concept and a FireFox addon. Currently, it has huge collection of favicons created automatically with the help of people browsing

Combine Multiple RSS Feeds into One Jumbra Feed URL

As explained before, RSS is a wonderful concept to gulp loads of information in least amount of time. However, with each web service with its own RSS feed - managing multiple RSS feeds sometimes can be difficult. One alternative to get over RSS stress is to merge your RSS feeds into single RSS

Create Awesome 3D Animated Avatars with Meez

Avatar is an icon that represents you on message boards, chat rooms, IM programs, 3-D chat rooms and virtual worlds. Most of us tend to use images of celebrities as avatars at different forums, boards and chat rooms. Use of static images for avatars is passe, get animated avatars to flaunt that

Spill your Secrets with power of Twitter by Textgasm

Are you itching to share your secrets with the world? Are you good enough to spill secrets within 140 characters? YES & YES, then Textgasm is for you. Just like SecretTweet, it is a mashup of twitter + postsecret + reddit that allows you to share secrets with the world. Just type in your

3 Tiny Utilities to Monitor & Manage Registry Changes

Registry is heart of your Windows based computer. It holds address and values of each application you install on the computer. Registry corruption can bring your Windows down with limited options of restoring registry leading to Windows reinstall. For an average computer user, registry can be