Live Mesh Colorful Wallpapers, Download Full Set

You may not be using 'Live Mesh' web service from Microsoft but you can for sure use cool 'Live Mesh' goodies. Checkout colorful Live Mesh Wallpapers. It feature color laden background images with cool glassy Live Mesh logo in between. Full set has different variant of

View & print details of Hardware & software on PC

A computer has loads of installed software and hardware at any given time. WinAudit is a cool free software, that tells you about all software and hardware on the computer. After download, install - click on the scan button. After the scan, you will be presented with details of software and

Voice & Video Chat in Gmail, Get it Now !

We can chat with Gmail friends with integerated chat in Gmail inbox. Hang on, Gmail is making things more interactive with introduction of voice and video chat in Gmail. So, besides typing 'Hi' 'Hello' - you can speak and see your friend saying 'Hi' 'Hello' and lots more. This new feature is all

Jump to Orkut a click away with New Google Toolbar

New Google Toolbar promises easy and quick access to Orkut. Besides quick jump to Orkut login page, you can search Orkut from any webpage you are viewing - using this new Google Toolbar. After you download and install this New Google Toolbar, get started with following steps: Go to the

Microsoft Makes you WORK in ‘Windows on Bus’

In times of economic meltdown, job cutting, downsizing - what good way to get more from your employees? Well, Microsoft has the answer - sort off! As soon as Microsoft employees step into bus

Free CD / DVD Burning Software, BurnAware is Cool

'BurnAware Free' is one better CD / DVD burning software ideal for home users wanting to burn data for backup purpose. This software wasn't free while ago when parent company was acquired. Later this cool software was made free and available for free download & use. BurnAware is a simple and

Convert Webpage into Image (to PDF) in Firefox

pdfit is a useful Firefox extension to convert current webpage into an image format (JPEG or PNG). You can later convert this image into PDF format. There are number of options to configure during page to image conversion. You can apply some image filters like emboss, rotate, reflection etc to

Translate RSS Feeds in your Language in Google Reader

Many times we come across interesting blog written in different language. While there are ways to translate any blog to any other language using Google Translate, new feature in Google Reader has made things very easy and automatic. Google Reader has added new feature which allows you to

Schedule your Twitter messages with Future Tweets

Twitter is a nice way to share updates with friends instantaneously. You can little spice to your Twitter experience by scheduling Twitter messages to be delivered at a later time. FutureTweet is a free web service that allows you to send Tweets at a specific time in the future or send a

Create Fake & Funny Windows Error Message Box

An average Windows user would have seen Windows error message box once in a while. Most of these error messages are sane which guide you and inform you about task at hand. You can add some insanity to them by creating fake and funny Windows error message boxes using 'The Message Box Toy'.

How to Monitor bandwidth usage of Net connection?

Webmasters and bloggers tend to disable hotlinking to save precious bandwidth and other resources. Bandwidth monitoring is also important for users with limited bandwidth internet connection with charges per GB. There are number of ways to monitor and calculate your daily / monthly bandwidth

Download Broken Windows Vista Wallpaper Pack

Windows Vista is slow and has lot of users complaining - to get in spirit of 'not so good' Windows Vista, here is broken Windows Vista Wallpaper. Going by the name, it has Windows Vista back