Listen bookmarked audio on Delicious, the easy way

Delicious has huge listing of weblinks of every type from all over the internet. It has huge bookmark collection of audio bookmarks by its users. Listening to audio bookmarks on Delicious has become easy like never before. They have integrated FoxyPlayer from Yahoo - it is a slick embedded audio

Gmail gets task manager, add emails to ‘to-do-list’

Gmail team just bumped up another feature of 'tasks' as a part of Gmail labs feature. It is very own light weight 'to-do-list' task manager within Gmail. It allows you to add any email to task list and track it easily. To get started, enable 'tasks' option by going

View IP Address blocks by Country, exhaustive listing

Ever wanted to know IP address block associated with your country or any other country in the world. Nirsoft has complied list of IP addresses blocks by country to make this whole process easy and accessible. Country names are shown alphabetically, click on any country name and view list of IP

Create Christmas & holiday greeting Cards with a Funk

Holiday season all set to storm with loads of wishes being sent and received. Making things all easy and funny checkout 'CardFunk'. It allows you to make animated funny Christmas

Compare display screens & products, before you buy

Ever wanted to see visually, how old 68 cm 4x3 CRT would compare with 32 inch (81cm) widescreen LCD? How iphone will compare with pack of cards? No need to lay hands on actual products, you can compare them virutually on your computer and then head over to shop for ultimate purchase. Display wars

Compact Google Reader to view more in less space

Google Reader went for a design makeover losing curves and colors. New design has lot of spacing and things spread out little more. Incase this spacing is too much for you and want to read more stuff in less space then checkout 'Google Reader Absolutely Compact'. It reduces empty space among

Christmas Blogger Templates, Free & Cool

Christmas is around the corner and what better way to celebrate by giving your Blogger blog Christmas makeover. Checkout free and colorful Christmas Blogger templates to make your blog standout during Christmas season:

How to add different music / audio to Youtube Videos?

Do you want to add different music or audio to your uploaded Youtube videos? Well, this is possible with few mouse clicks using new web tool feature 'audioswap', that allows you to swap original video audio with other audio or music track. Through audioswap you can access huge collection of

Search & watch HD High Definition Youtube Videos

Youtube is just getting better and better. Recently, it went widescreen and new customizing feature to embed widescreen videos was introduced. Now, Youtube is all set for HD (High Definition) video content. There are already number of HD videos available on Youtube. HOW TO SEARCH & WATCH HD

Gmail Stickers, splash & stick Gmail everywhere !

Gmail recently got all new look, color and jazz with Gmail themes. While that was online, here is offline Gmail activity you can indulge in - splash and stick Gmail stickers anywhere (or everywhere). Gmail is sending out free pack of stickers for any

CombiMovie combines two or more mpg/mpeg files

Looking for an easy and super quick alternative to combine multiple mpg/mpeg files? CombiMovie should fit the bill - it is small, quick and free for use. Ideal to combine those webcam and digital camera video files. To get started just select movie files that should be combined. This application

Watch related videos to ‘now playing’ song in Winamp

Winamp music player users will love this feature - how about playing video related to 'now playing mp3 songs in your Winamp player? MiniTube is a Winamp plugin that brings best of Videos while you listen to favorite songs. This plugins makes winamp a multimedia power house and makes you feel as