Download full size Flickr photos with a right click

Flickrhas huge collection of interesting photos. Downloading full size Flickr photos can be a task involving few clicks. You can make this process real easy by using Firefox extension flickr original. Just download and install Flickr original to your Firefox web browser, restart Firefox and your are

Quick Scan computer online for viruses & malware

BitDefender is a very popular name for products to keep your computer safe and secure from viruses, malware and other infection. They have introduced new online 'QuickScan' service that allows you to scan computer for infections without downloading anything. Yes, no need to download any

Transform Windows Vista look like Windows 7

We have already seen transformation pack for converting looks of Windows XP into Windows 7. Here is another transformation pack from NiwradSoft for making Windows Vista system look like Windows 7. No manual editing of registry or hacking. Just download [link] the transformation pack, reboot

Free premium WordPress theme, Irresistible

Woo themes has released cool free premium Wordpress theme 'Irresistible'. It has all the color and jazz ideal for personal blog. Basic structure is 2 column with integerated video player. Theme comes with 9 color schemes with widgetized sidebar including some the specific custom widgets for

Change font of Google Ads – Adsense Optimization

Google Adsense Ads (text) just got better which new feature of customizing font in ads. Now you can change the font face of the text in ad units on pages in Latin-character languages. You can choose between Arial, Times, and Verdana font faces. Please note that while font options will appear in

Search Windows mobile phone matching your style

With so many models and brands of mobile phones, making a selection of phone can be a tough ask. Whats MyPhone Style makes it easy to select Windows Mobile phone matching your style. It allows you to participate in fun quiz, just answer few questions quickly by selecting option that matches best to

Transform Windows XP look like Windows Seven

Windows Seven official launch still got time, how about relishing Windows Seven looks on your Windows XP computer without bells and whistles? NiwradSoft has free theme download pack, just install the theme pack and reboot your XP computer. You will be greeted with Windows Seven login screen complete

Create Gmail Theme with own colors & look

Gmail introduced number of themes to spice up look of your Gmail inbox. There are number of themes to chose from to give cool makeover to Gmail inbox. Now, you can do more by adding personalized touch with colors you want for every element in your Gmail inbox. 'Chose your own colors' is a new option

Gmail Favicon color alerts of new messages

Gmail Favicon alerts allows you to check status of your Gmail inbox with one glance at Gmail favicon. Different color of Gmail favicon represents distinct status of Gmail inbox. For example, blue color favicon with digit indicate unread messages with digit representing number of unread

Geemail, desktop client for offline Gmail access

Gmail powered with Google Gears allows you offline access to email messages of your gmail account. You can also send replies, which are delivered as soon live internet connection is detected. If this is too much of task, then try free Adobe based desktop client for offline Gmail access

Make money from unused domains with Adsense

Do you have un-used domain with message 'Domain under construction' or 'website is closed now'? Instead of showing such messages, now you can make money without much effort using 'Adsense for Domains'. This is now open for all Google Adsense users. AdSense for domains provides links, search results,

Most popular ideas for next WordPress version

With every new version, software keeps getting better. Wordpress community always listens and implements required feature fixes and additions. Here is list of most popular ideas that you may see implemented in future releases of Wordpress. Here goes: Trust me when I edit