Gmail has bumped up a feature that will please many Indian Gmail users. It has added support support for five Indian languages - Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Malayalam. It means, you can send email in these languages from Gmail account. All users in India will have this feature turned ON by
Upload files to 12 hosting services via UploadMirrors
Upload Mirrors web service can upload your files to over top 12 file hosting service in a single click. Just browse file for the upload, select among 12 listed file hosting services and hit the upload button. You will get sharing links of uploaded file for each hosting service. Related - 3 Ways
Display different timezone clocks on Windows desktop
Do you need a clock showing time of different countries? This may be required if you have relatives living abroad or you work with people from other countries. There are different ways to implement this depending on the operating system being used. End result displays time of different countries in
See List of Largest files & folders on your computer
Ever wanted to know what is taking so much space on your computer? Yes, there are many free applications to show details of files and storage complete with fancy graphs. How about keeping things real simple and relevant? Primitive File Size chart quickly lists top 50 largest folders and
Change letter or word case, free case changer utility
Certain set of computer users like editors, writers, students and programmers deal with lot of text on daily basis. Different assignment has different text format needs. Primitive Case Changer can be handy utility if you often toggle between different formats of text. Just copy and paste the text in
Link to any part of Youtube Video start time
Youtube videos are generally short and crisp. However, there are times when you want to share only small part of long Youtube video. There is an easy hack whick allows you to link and share specific part of Youtube. This is based on start time (on the timeline) from the point you want video to
Lock & block access to any application with AppLocker
There are times we need to prevent other users on the same computer to open and use specific application software installed on the computer. Classic example being, restricting kids to access Internet Explorer to surf internet or play specific game on the computer. AppLocker makes this process easily
Copy & backup DVD movies to computer hard drive
Are you looking for simple and easy way to copy DVD movies on your computer hard drive? DVDSmith free software makes this process easy in real. Using this you can clone any DVD movie on your computer by quick copy and backup procedure. It removes all the protections (CSS, RC, RCE, APS, UOPs and
Save & access all copy clipboard data with Clipboardic
Wndows clipboard has limitation of keeping record of only last copied data. Clipboardic utility overcomes this limitation by keeping track of every copy action and resultant clipboard data. It maintains list of all clipboard activity which can be further used as per requirement. It neatly show