Want to see list of formats supported by clipboard on your computer? Free portable tool "CFList" make this all easy. It shows list of formats currently available on the Windows clipboard on the left side. You can click on either format to see more details on right side like: name, type and integer
Add Copy To & Move To in Windows Right Click menu
Be default, Windows right click menu has "Copy" and "Paste" options. You can extend functionality of moving / copying files and folders by adding "Copy To" and "Move To" options to Windows right click menu. This allows you to directly move or copy files and folders to a different location on the
Convert FLV to IPOD, MPEG, MP4, PSP online
Majority of online videos are in flash video format. Also, download of any online video result in FLV video file. Ideally, you will need FLV player to play such video files. How about downloading online videos and converting in desired video format in one go? Convert Direct is a free online
Download Free Microsoft Security Essential Anti-Virus – full Final version
"Microsoft Security Essential" is a free security software from Microsoft. Its beta version created lot of buzzand was appreciated by majority of users for providing adequate protection at no cost. Microsoft has now removed beta tag and released stable & final version of its free security
Copy / transfer music, videos from iPod to PC
We have already seen iPhone Explorer application for quick transfer of files from iPhone to PC. "POD to PC" is another free and very easy to use application to copy & transfer files from iPod, iPhone to your PC. You can transfer music, videos and playlists from iPod to your computer. It works
Display System UpTime on desktop screen
Want to stay updated on time your computer has been up and running? SUTM (System Uptime Monitor) is small utility that show computer uptime (in days, hours, minutes, seconds) on the desktop screen. It shows this information in stylish and cool looking blue dialog box. It also show date and time at
Free MegaUpload, Rapidshare download manager for Mac & Windows
Majority of internet users download files from popular hosting websites like: MegaUpload, Rapidshare. Ideally, one has to navigate through series of webpages to get final file download link. Free download manager like Tucan can make downloading experience little easy and more
Hide Firefox Find bar with shortcut key
Find bar is a useful Firefox feature that allows you to search and highlight any text on current webpage. Ideally, you can press Ctrl + F or goto Edit > Find to show Find bar in Firefox browser. But to close or hide the Find bar you need to manually click X button. How about doing same with a
Convert MP4 to MP3, free converter
"Convert MP4 to MP3" is a dead simple tool to rip MP3 audio from MP4 video files. It can extract audio part of MP4 or MPEG4 video files and convert the audio output in MP3 format. Resultant MP3 audio file can be played anywhere on different applications and gadgets like iPod, portable MP3
Retouch photos for smooth Skin & sharp eyes, hair
Manually cleaning photos for smooth skin can take lot of time, effort and this may not produce professional looking results. How about automatic image retouching for smooth skin? ClearSkinFX is a free and small program to produce neat version of your digital photos. It smooths the skin of the object