Convert RGB to BGR color code

In the backend different colors are represented using unique color codes like #FFFFFF for white, #000000 for black and so on. Generally, color codes are used in RGB (Red Green Blue) format. However, at times we need to express same color code in BGR format. RGB 2 BGR converter makes this all

Create Windows Mobile phone Themes online

Want to jazz up looks of your Windows mobile phone? Microsoft already offer loads of free themes (ringtones, wallpapers) to spice up Windows phone. Now there is another option for more customized themes using official "Windows Phone Custom Theme Creator". It is an online tool to generate custom

Download Windows Mobile Ringtones, Wallpapers & Themes

If you happen to use Windows Mobile phone like HTC Pure, HTC Imagio, Samsung Intrepid - then here are lots of goodies to spice up your mobile experience. Microsoft Windows Phone website offer loads of download-able goodies including ringtones, wallpapers and colorful themes for your mobile

Give Google Chrome Style & Look to Windows XP

We have already seen easy way to give Google Chrome OS look to Windows XP computer. kanttii at DeviantArt has modified existing user style with all new look and elements. Overall look is very similar to Google Chrome style with dash of Vista glitz gloss. It has neat dialog boxes and other

Check 3G, Edge, WiFi speed [Blackberry & iPhone apps]

Who does not love speed? On mobile devices internet speed can disappoint many as compared to internet access speed via conventional medium of broadband and wireless access on desktop / portable systems. If you want to check speed of 3G, Edge and WiFi on your BlackBerry or iPhone device - then grab

Open RAR files on MAC OSX

Just like ZIP, RAR is a popular archive compression format. There are number of software programs to open RAR files on Windows like 7Zip archiver. Are you looking for an easy way to open RAR file on MAC OSX? UnRarX is a free application to expand rar archives on MAX OSX systems. Extract RAR

Unlock, delete, copy & rename locked files: Lock Hunter

Some files on computer are locked and as a result cannot be modifiied like: rename, deletion or copy. Lock Hunter is handy utility to unlock such files and further delete or edit them. It allows you to delete locked files and send them to recycle bin (later you may restore those files from recycle

Add animated Water reflection effect to photos

We have seen number of tools and services to add static reflection effect to images in few simple clicks. "Water Effect" is a cool online tool to add reflection effect to any uploaded image. Output is not boring static image but an animated moving water reflection GIF image - which looks super

Convert digital camera RAW images to TIFF, PSD format

Many of us use digital camera to capture images of special moments. RAW images are produced by digital camera which can be converted into TIFF format for better image processing and enhancement. RAWdrop is a free application that allows easy conversion of RAW images into TIFF and PSD Photoshop image

Open DICOM medical images with DICOM viewer

DICOM stands for Digital Imaging and Communications in medicine. It is a file format for images in medical field like that of CT scans, MRIs, ultrasound. It is a standard format for exchanging medical imaging data. A DICOM image contains header with patient name, image dimensions, type of scan

Simple OpenGL viewer tool

For starters: OpenGL stands for Open Graphics Library. It is a standard specification for writing applications that produce 2D and 3D computer graphics. It is used in designs as in CAD, virtual reality, scientific visualization, information visualization and flight simulation. WxOpenGLView is a

Portable tool to Delete temporary files, cookies & cache

Over a period of time, Windows can accumulate lot of temporary data. It contains temporary files, cache, cookies, environment variable, temporary user info files and lots more. Ideally, you can delete each of these temporary files data by using different Windows functions. How about deleting all