Automatically clear internet history in Chrome

Everytime you visit a website, its images and records are stored on your computer as a part of internet history. In Google Chrome, you can easily view and delete history date-wise or complete listing. Manually deleting internet history at start or close browsing session can be boring and time

How to disable Javascript in Chrome

Javascript files are downloaded to run web applications while you surf the internet. If you are using internet to surf basic websites, then it is safe to turn off javascript file loading and execution. Javascripts can post security risk, hence disabling it offer safer internet surfing environment in

Block website images for faster internet in Chrome

Majority of time taken for webpage loading is due to heavy image graphics used on it. One very neat and easy way to speed up internet surfing is by disabling loading of images on webpages. This will not only speed up browsing but also save bandwidth on your slow internet connection. Images on

Edit Facebook photos online with Picnik app

Besides the textual interaction via chat, walls posting, Facebook users share tons of photos each day. There are number of ways to upload photos via  email and organize them in proper galleries. No wonder Facebook hosts more photosthan even a top dedicated image hosting website. If you are also

How to block friends on Facebook

On Facebook, one can find and make number of friends by exploring profiles, sending friend requests. However, often we receive friend requests from people that do not interest us. So, how do you stop a person from becoming your friend on facebook? You can easily achieve this by blocking specific

Turn off AutoComplete, AutoFill in Internet Explorer

AutoComplete feature in Internet Explorer provide suggestions while filling text boxes for email address and usernames. These suggestions are provided as per autocomplete browsing history stored in Internet Explorer. In a multi-user environment, showing autocomplete or autofill suggestions may not

Microsoft language translator for mobile phone

Microsoft Translator (also called Bing Translator) is a handy online service to translating text, webpages between different languages. It has improved over period of time and also added new language support like Hebrew and Haitian Creole language. You can access the goodness of this language

Enable checkbox feature to select files in Windows 7

Do you have to select multiple files or folders by pressing down Ctrl button every-time you have to copy paste some files/folders? You can easily prevent this on Windows 7 PC. Just enable 'check box to select items' feature that allows you to select multiple items by clicking checkboxes next to

How to use Gmail filters to organize emails

Gmail has cool feature of filters allowing better management of incoming email messages. You can create filter for different type of parameters for incoming email messages. With filter activated, email messages based on filter rules and settings are automatically sent in specific folder. You can

How to disable autorun, autoplay on Windows

Autoplay (also called Autorun) feature of Windows operating system allows you to automatically view contents of CD or DVD dics inside the media drive. By default, this feature is turned ON. However, if you want to disable autoplay (autorun) - then you can easily disable this feature from advanced

Website Hacking & spam alerts in Google Webmaster

"... is my website or blog hacked?" This is first question that comes to mind when website appear radically different to what it should or it together does not show anything. Website hacking, content spam and abuse is getting more rampant in online world. While there is Google Safe Browsing Page to

Find WPA, WEP key of wireless router

Wireless router can be protected using WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) or WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) keys. Your Wireless network will be detected on all wi-fi devices but only devices that enter correct WEP or WPA keys can actually connect to the network to use internet. If you happen to forget WEP