Tired of Digg? then mix stories with Mixx


Social bookmarking website Digg has been important daily routine for many to get latest stories on the topic of their interest. Over the years, Digg has become boring and just not happening thing.

Alternative in making? Mixx seems to be alternative in making. It has similar functionality like Digg where users can share stories, vote on favorites and comment on the stories. Mixx has categories like Tech, News, Business, Sports, Science etc. Here are few refreshing things about Mixx:

  • Interface is super clean with no resemblance of a Digg clone.
  • Site loads fine with minimalistic ad blocks to pinch you.
  • Ability to tag an article, which Digg seems to miss.
  • Bigger raunchier avatar photos on display.
  • See top Mixxers and quality submitters on the site.
  • Mixx lounge (awards) interesting way to motivate users.

Mixx: WebsiteFAQsMixx LoungeMixx Tools

There has been so many digg clones which came and vanished, but this one seems to have bright future. For the starters it does not look like digg clone, this is half the battle won. [via]


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