Batch edit date & time attributes of multiple files

By default, each file on computer hold information of date and time it was created, accessed and edited. You may want to change date and time information associated with specific file and this can be easily done using 3rd party utility. We have already seen, File Touch utility and

Run program in Administrator mode in Windows 7

Are few features of a program application disabled due to lack of administrative access in your account on Windows 7 computer? You can easily overcome this by launching a program with "Administrator access" by switching to admin mode. By default, all programs do not get admin rights to

PDF file attributes / properties viewer

PDF is a popular document format for sharing information on the internet. You need a special software to open and view PDF files. A PDF file can contain many pages with text, weblinks and images. You can easily see such basic attributes or properties of a PDF file using free utility "PDF

Change ‘Created & Modified’ date & time of any file

Right click on any file (say image file) and then click on properties option. File properties dialog box will show "create and modified" date and time of that specific file. You can easily change this information for any file on your computer. We have already seen NewFile Time utility for

Change date – time stamp details of files & folders

Do you want to change date and time information associated with specific file or folder on the computer? NewFile Time utility allows you to make such changes using very neat and easy to use interface. To get started, just drag and drop any file in the application window (or use import