Format PHP files for neat lines / code placement

PHP code files work in background to power many websites and blogs (including tothepc). For wesbite visitors PHP code does not matter but ask a website developer. Proper formatting of lines in a PHP file helps in easy editing and searching for specific code. Beautify PHP is an online tool

Auto Follow Twitter users based on specific search keyword

[For Advance users] Do you want to auto-follow Twitter users mentioning specific search term or keyword? If yes, then grab "twitter-autofollow" php script. It allows you to configure specific search terms or keywords and allow your Twitter account to follow Twitter users with tweets

Generate PHP code to check browser, country, language, resolution & operating system

[For advance users] Are you looking for an easy way to generate PHP code for specific "if" condition check for you website or blog? Show{if} is a cool online tool to generate PHP code for specific "if" condition on the fly. For example, you easily generate PHP code that identify web

Create & edit HTML, CSS, PHP files in online editor

Encoder is a web based code editor application that allows you to create and edit different type of files including HTML, CSS, PHP and many more. It does not require any file install and you can get started with coding job within web browser [IE6 not supported]. Also, it does not

Convert any HTML File or Clipboard text into PHP file

It is not easy to find way through while creating PHP files. Yeah, PHP is not an easy language to get hold on. But hey, this should be an excuse for you to stop writing some cool stuff. You can always write in text editor or create HTML