Bored of usual one to one chatting experience on Facebook? You can bring in more spice and interactivity by chatting with more than one person on Facebook using new group chat feature. It allows you to text chat with multiple online friends on Facebook. You can select multiple online
Download Skype 5.0 beta for group video calling
Skype has added much requested option to video chat with multiple users simultaneously. Till now we could only make multiple users audio conference call using Skype software. Latest Skype release support video conference calling with each user able to see video and hear audio from other
How to talk with more than one person on Skype
Ideally, we use Skype for audio and video chat between two contacts. You can also use Skype to talk with more than one person or multiple contacts. For this you need to setup and start a conference call. Please note, only audio conference call between more than 2 contacts can be done
Chat with multiple Orkut friends at the same time
Staying connected with Orkut friends has become more easy with improvements in chat feature. After login into Orkut account, you will see floating chat window at the bottom left part of the webpage. Using this, you can see online Orkut friends and click on any listed contact to start chat
Create disposable chat room with language translation
Do you want to chat with people from different countries, whose language is unknown to you? is a cool online web service that allows you to chat with anyone from any part of the world without language problems. It allows you to create disposable / temporary chat rooms and
AIM Blast, IM multiple buddies without the chatroom
Ideally, one would head over to a chatroom to chit-chat with multiple buddies. AIM Blast is all set to change that, with this you can IM multiple buddies without opening a chatroom. To get started, make a blast group with selected IM buddies. There after, the blast group will appear in