Gradient is a visual or image as a result of multiple color combinations. We can mix match number of colors in different styles to produces amazing looking images (or wallpapers). You can generate gradient images in Photoshop application but following are even simpler and quicker ways to
Create colorful Gradient wallpaper & set on desktop
Do you love simple yet colorful wallpaper on the desktop? If yes, then give a spin to Wallpaper Generator program. It allows you to create Gradient wallpapers of different color combination. You can play around and be creative by choosing a different color for each corner of the
Generate Gradient images of different colors
Gradient images are often used as background images on webpages to spice up the look. If creating gradient images in Photoshop if too much of task, then checkout free application "Gradient Studio". It allows you to generate gradient images of different colors and styles in few simple