Capture, join, save & download Google Maps offline

There are times we need to save (& further print) specific area on Google Maps which is bigger than our screen area. Ideally, we will use Print Scrn button to take screenshot of viewable Google Maps area and then join multiple screenshots for complete view of required area as seen on

Install Google Android operating system on computer

Google Android is an operating system for mobile platform like G1, HTC Hero etc. Do you want to give Google Android a try, but don't feel like buying a T-Mobile G1? Well, now you can test drive Google Android on your computer using Live Android CD. LiveAndroid project allows you to

Take Orkut profile & friends to Friend Connect websites

Google Friend Connect service was launched a while back, it allows you to add social networking features to any website or blog with quick addition of small code. Google has now integrated Friend Connect with Orkut profiles. This means, you can login into Friend Connect feature on

Google Calendar Labs: Add docs, world clock & background image

Labs features (also called experimental features) has been well appreciated in Gmail. Google has now introduced labs feature in Google Calendar, these features are experimental and are useful to only selected Google Calendar users. It allows you to add additional functionality and plugs to

Protect Gmail from Paypal & ebay scam phishing emails

Gmail has introduced an important new feature to protect its users from receiving end of scam phishing emails from ebay and paypal. Since money is involved, extra protection is required. Previously, Gmail rejected all messages claiming to be from ebay or paypal if they did not have

Report Offensive photos on Google Image search results

Did you ever stumble upon adult NSFW image while searching images on Google with safe filter turned ON? No filter or technology is 100% accurate, so if you happen to see mature content while configured for safe content - it is recommeneded to report offensive photos and help Google improve

Official Google accounts on Twitter, pick & follow

We have already seen huge list of official Microsoft products account on Twitter. Here comes the crowd from Google with over 40+ official Twitter accounts for different Google products and services. Checkout the following listing of important Google accounts on Twitter, you may wanna

Upload to translate files online using Google Translate

Google Translate, the online language translation service from Google has added a handy new upload feature. Till now, we had to either provide URL or manually paste text to perform language translation. Now you can perform direct translation of contents of any file by uploading to Google

How to add / submit website or blog to Google News?

Google News showcase latest news from different topics and categories from around the world. If your blog or website is listed in Google News, you can receive loads of traffic. Besides the traffic, your website gets instant popularity and appreciation from readers throughout the

Google Chrome OS, operating system by Google !

Things might get real hot between Microsoft and Google in coming months. While Microsoft is trying hard to Bing Bing Google Search market share, Google is planning to hit Microsoft where it might hurt most. Microsoft is leader in operating system market with Windows series and newer

Add driving directions on website to find business location

Now website owners can easily help their users find driving directions to their physical location of business using new Google Maps directions gadgets. Instead of listing number of addresses and locations to reach final business location, you can simply embed this gadget on your website or

View PDF files on Google Search result pages directly

Google Search now has integrated PDF files viewer. From now on, if any PDF file is listed for your search query you will get "view" link under the title of that search listing. Click on "view" link will load that PDF file listed on search result page in separate PDF File viewer. Hence, you