Compare Google & Google Caffeine search results

Google recently launched NEW Google search (also called Google Caffeine sandbox). It is believed to be improved version of existing Google search. Besides being faster, it produces different results for same keywords as compared to results from existing Google Search. Related - 3

Mark as READ, posts older than a day or week in Google Reader

Is huge Unread post items making you uncomfortable? From now on, you can selectively mark items as read based on their recency in Google Reader. Click arrow next to "Mark all as read" button to see more options that help you selectively mark items as read. It has 3 new options

Shortcut to open links in new tab in Google Chrome

Here is quick tip while opening links in Google Chrome browser. A click on any link may or may not open it in new tab or window. If you want to make sure links open in new tab instead of same tab or in new window, following are two shortcuts worth remembering and use: - Use middle

Try NEW Google Search: next generation, faster & different!

Bing search popped up with all the glitz and left Google little worried. Well, Google is busy upgrading its own search index and launched public preview of its NEW next generation search. This new search claims to be better and much better than existing Google search. Now this is exciting

Track & check Google Pagerank of multiple websites from desktop

For starters: Google Pagerank (from 0 to 10) is qualitative estimate of a website content. There are number of online tools to check pagerank of any website. PaRaMeter is a download-able utility that allow checking of Google Pagerank of multiple website URLs from desktop. Here are simple

Find & create similar set of items, words, websites with Google Sets

Google Sets labs is an experimental web tool to automatically create sets of items. You can enter few keywords for specific set of items and allow Google Sets tool to dish out more similar items. It has two options, either show large set with more than 15 items or small set with less than

How to hide or remove labels next to subject line in Gmail inbox?

If you are using labels and viewing Gmail on low screen resolution computer, it is a constant struggle in trying to read full subject line of email messages in Gmail box. Labels for each messages appear fist and leave little space for email subject line to appear. Well, you can perform

Official Google Chrome Themes gallery is now open

Google is taking quick steps to mature Google Chrome as a complete web browser. Latest in addition is launch of Official Google Chrome Themes Gallery. You can browse different Google Chrome themes and apply any theme to Google Chrome browser installed on the computer. As expected,

How to find Clipart & Line Drawings with Google Image Search?

Google is one stop to search anything on the internet. Google Image search is an extended search tool to find images of your choice. Now besides usual images, you can use Google Image search to find clipart and line drawing images related to any keyword. 1. Open Google Image Search on

How to shoot, record & upload 3D videos on Youtube?

Youtube introduced 3D videos which created buzz all around. Ever since, there has been confusion on how to create, upload and even watch 3D videos on Youtube. If you got pair of cameras and ready to spend some time trying to shoot 3D videos and here are simple pointers before you get into

Create Online Store with Google Docs & Google Checkout store gadget

Settings up an online store with secure back-end and easy to use front-end involve lot of efforts. Google Checkout Store gadget makes this real easy by using functionality of Google Docs spreadsheet. You can setup online store in few clicks and show the products in a widget on your blog or

Gtalk plugin for Chrome to open Google Talk on any webpage

Google Chrome is slowly getting newer extensions to extend functionality in Chrome browser. Gtalk extension is latest Google Chrome plugin that allows you to open Google Talk window while on any webpage in Google Chrome browser. After install, you will see a Google Talk button at bottom