Manual POP frequency check for new emails in Gmail

You can easily setup external email addresses that support POP within your existing Gmail account. Such Mail fetcher setup allows you to access multiple email accounts within single Gmail account interface. After the setup, Gmail will check your other accounts on a regular basis and new

Google public data explorer: visual charts & maps

Making sense of large amount of public data related to any human aspect like mortality rate, wages, population is very difficult. Huge volume of data makes interpretation and representation very difficult. Easing out this process is new experimental online tool from Google 'Public Data

Email alerts for new Google Wave updates

If you still happen to use Google Wave (and surprisingly given a miss to Google Buzz), then here is new feature bump for better surfing of Google Wave. Now you can receive email notifications for new and updated Google Waves in your Wave inbox. Setting up is quick and simple involving few

Check if blog is included in Google News index

By default majority of blogs, websites are included in Google search index. However, only selectived blogs or websites are included in Google New index. We have already seen procedure to submit blog to Google News. You can easily check and confirm if specific blog or website is included in

Upload photos on Orkut from Picasa desktop

For starters: Orkut(.com) is a 'Facebook' like social networking website from Google and Picasa is a free desktop photo editing software from Google. If you happen to use Picasa for editing photos and also an active user of Orkut, then editing and sharing photos on Orkut just became more

Use alphabet Gestures to search on Android phone

Is searching for specific item like contact or music track on your Android phone taking too much time and effort? Now you can perform this routine quickly without stressing yourself using Google Gesture Search for Android powered devices. It allows you to quickly search and find a contact,

How to disable Javascript in Chrome

Javascript files are downloaded to run web applications while you surf the internet. If you are using internet to surf basic websites, then it is safe to turn off javascript file loading and execution. Javascripts can post security risk, hence disabling it offer safer internet surfing

Block website images for faster internet in Chrome

Majority of time taken for webpage loading is due to heavy image graphics used on it. One very neat and easy way to speed up internet surfing is by disabling loading of images on webpages. This will not only speed up browsing but also save bandwidth on your slow internet connection. Images

How to use Gmail filters to organize emails

Gmail has cool feature of filters allowing better management of incoming email messages. You can create filter for different type of parameters for incoming email messages. With filter activated, email messages based on filter rules and settings are automatically sent in specific folder.

Website Hacking & spam alerts in Google Webmaster

"... is my website or blog hacked?" This is first question that comes to mind when website appear radically different to what it should or it together does not show anything. Website hacking, content spam and abuse is getting more rampant in online world. While there is Google Safe

How to Google Search by location, city, region

Do you want to refine Google Search results to specific place or region? New "Nearby" feature on Google Search allows to search internet by specific location, city, state or region. Using this feature you can get more relevant and useful results. For example: "Yoga Centers" results for

How to sort Gmail by attachment size of emails

Gmail email service has liberal attachment and total free storage limits. While single email attachment size limit is manageable, you can always explore alternative methods to send large files by email. There is no free option to increase allocated quota of free space in your Gmail account