Open Chrome web apps full screen or pinned

Web apps allows you to add more features and functionality to Google Chrome in regard to access of web content. Chrome Web Store has extensive listing of different type of web apps and you can install web apps in Chrome as per requirement. After install, you can customize it further for

How to install Web apps in Chrome

Web apps are collection of extensions, themes and apps designed for the Google Chrome browser. It allows you to extend usability of websites in Chrome browser. You can browse all free and paid web apps for Google Chrome browser at Chrome web store. You can install web apps of your choice,

Different time zones for events in Google Calendar

While planning event(s) that is spread across different countries, calculating time zone differences is very important task. You need to check on specific time zone difference of specific countries and mention time accordingly. Now you can manage all this easily using 'event time zones'

Enable Google cloud print connector in Chrome

Google cloud print connector feature in Google Chrome promises to make printing more easy and quick. Ideally, you need software that connects Cloud Print with your printers. Latest Google Chrome 9 for Window has Cloud print connector feature. You need to enable Google Cloud Print connector

Search & view muted messages in Gmail

You can mute long conversations that do not interest you to prevent them from showing in inbox. Mute Gmail messages feature help keep inbox clean and free from unwanted conversations from appearing. Further, you can unmute any muted conversation thread and move it to inbox. However, for

Mute & unMute email messages in Gmail

If you are long message conversation in Gmail that does not interest you anymore, you can simply mute it to prevent it from showing in the inbox. This will keep inbox clean as future addition to muted conversation will not display in inbox (but it will still get archived). If your address

View recently used Emoticons in Gmail

Emoticons (emoji) can be used to decorate messages send through Gmail. You can express variety of feelings using different type of animated and colorful emoticon images. Gmail has 100+ emoticon options and it can be tough ask choosing the right one. You can simplify and make the process of

Block distracting websites in Chrome

Certain websites like Facebook, Youtube can be very addictive and may result in distraction from productive work. You can easily block distracting websites temporarily to focus on work to be done. Once you have completed the required work, you can unblock distracting websites and surf them

keyboard shortcuts for ‘Google Docs’ documents

If your PC or laptop is always connected to internet, then using online word processing application like Google Docs is more convenient option as against installing Microsoft Office software on the computer. Google Docs offer rich word processing, presentation and spreadsheet creation and

Preview website screenshot in Google search results

Now you can see website screenshot images along with website listing on Google Search result pages. This is possible using 'Instant Preview' feature on Google Search. It allows you to view website photo preview of website URLs displayed on Google search results pages. You can visually

Which countries have Google Maps street view

'Street view' is very useful feature of Google Maps. It allows you to visually navigate specific location on Google Maps. However, this feature is not available for all countries. Google Maps has street view enabled for specific countries of the world. You can browse visual terrain,

How to report Spam websites to Google

Search engines like Google, Bing continuously improve their ranking procedures to provide best and most relevant results to users. It can be very frustrating when you click through a weblink in search results promising desired content but it offers nothing in real. Such websites are often