Open Chrome tabs as small panels

Tabs makes browsing very easy and quick. You can comfort the browsing level further by using panels in Google Chrome browser. Panels interface is very useful for comparing web content (webpages). You can also perform multi-tasking easily: like watching Youtube video while keeping eye on

How to download all Gmail file attachments

We send and receive lot of email messages with attachments like photos, documents, pdf files and so on. Do you want to view and download all attachments contained in your Gmail account? Unfortunately, there is no quick forward way to do so. However, there are few workarounds to access and

How to search emails in Gmail quickly

Do you want to quickly search for specific email messages instead of manual browsing of messages in your Gmail inbox? You can easily search and view email messages that you actually need by using advanced Gmail's email search operator (words). Based on your searching needs, you can mix

How many days until St. Patrick’s day

St. Patrick's Day is a traditional day for spiritual renewal, when people offer prayers worldwide. It is celebrated in number of countries throughout the world. People celebrate it with parades, music, Irish food, games and lots more. Techno savvy people can easily track on How many days

How to disable / enable Gmail labs feature

Gmail email service from Google has lot of features that facilitate sending and receiving of email messages. You can add more features to your Gmail inbox by using Gmail Labs. These are experimental features that add additional functionality to your Gmail inbox. You can enable specific

Change screen time out on Android phone

To save the battery, many phone have feature to automatically lock screen after certain period of time. While this feature is usefule, it can be annoying at times with screen locking automatically. By default, 30 seconds or 60 seconds is the lock time on an Android mobile phone. If this

Transfer emails from one Gmail account to another

Lot of users have multiple Gmail accounts and use each account for personal and professional needs. Do you want to transfer all email messages from one Gmail account to another? Ideally, you can forward emails one by one to transfer email messages from one account to different account.

View file download details in chrome

File downloading is an important routine for lot of internet users. By default Google Chrome browser display summarized file download details like name of file being downloaded, time and size of remaining download. You can also check more file download details including file downloading

Recover accidentally deleted Gmail contacts

Did you accidentally delete contact(s) from contact list in your Gmail account? You can easily recover deleted Google contacts using 'Restore contacts' feature. Just like System Restore feature in Windows, you can restore contacts list to any previous time like 10 minutes ago, 1 hour ago,

Find specific phrase occurrence in Google Books

Google Books has online scanned digital collection of almost 10% books ever published. Do you want to find occurrence of specific phrase (words) in Google Books collection? You can easily do this using 'Google Books Ngram Viewer' online tool. Result is displayed in line graph format

How to delete web Apps from Google Chrome

Chrome Web Apps provide an easy way to extend functionality and do more within Google Chrome browser. They allow quick way to access web contents and applications of your interest. Any Google Chrome users can install apps of choice from official Chrome Web Store. We have already seen

How to buy paid web apps in Chrome

Besides installing free web apps in Chrome, there are number of paid web apps in Chrome web store. You can purchase any of paid web app using your credit card through Google Checkout service. If you do not like paid web app for Chrome, you can cancel purchase within 30 days. There is also