View Facebook friends phone number in Skype

Facebook integration of Skype brings in lot of features for ease of use. Besides directly viewing latest Facebook updates in Skype, you can also directly reach Facebook friends by call or SMS in Skype application. Skype allows you to view phonebook of Facebook friends with neat listing of

Add / remove Facebook news feed in Skype

Latest version of Skype software comes with Facebook integration. You can easily view feed of your Facebook account within Skype interface. You can track latest Facebook updates and even post new update to Facebook profile from Skype. You can enable Facebook feature in Skype to view

Add mobile Phone number to Facebook

If you use mobile phone more than a desktop PC to access internet, then you can stay connected with Facebook activity using your mobile phone. To get started, you need to add and confirm your mobile phone number with your existing Facebook account. After successful confirmation of mobile

Download Facebook account information

Do you want to download everything ever posted by you on the Facebook account?Now you can download it easily including your messages, wall posts, photos, status updates, profile information and other data using download feature on Facebook. All the Facebook account information is

How to create Groups on Facebook

Do you want to interact with specific group of friends on Facebook regarding specific 'private' topic? You can easily do this without worrying about privacy by creating group of Facebook friends (as per requirement). Facebook group(s) allows you to selective share information within a

How many photos can I upload on Facebook

Facebook users upload and share lot of photos with online friends. Infact, Facebook now has more uploaded photos than dedicated photo sharing websites like Flickr, Photobucket. Facebook users can upload photos and arrange them properly in different albums. You can also tag uploaded photos

Search & find celebrity Facebook pages

Lot of celebrities, actors, media companies and brands use Facebook to interact with Facebook users. If your Facebook timeline is boring, you can spice up with updates from celebrities of your choice. To get started, search Facebook page of specific celebrity, brand or company. In a single

‘Not now’ to hide Friend requests on Facebook

Do you want to ignore friend request on Facebook? Ideally, there is option to confirm yes or no to Facebook friend requests. However, now you can ignore any received friend request to consider accepting it in future using 'Not Now' option. 'Not Now' feature does not delete or mark NO to

Add Skype contacts / friends to Facebook

If you happen to use both Skype and Facebook, then you can easily expand your Facebook network with Skype friends. Facebook's find friend feature allows you to search your Skype contacts not on Facebook. You can selectively invite Skype friends to join and network with you

How to remote logout from Facebook account

You may be accessing and logging into Facebook account from multiple devices. Did you forgot to logout from Facebook account at specific time? Now you will be able to log out of any Facebook session that you may have left active on another computer or device. This is possible using remote