Calculate Age & Lifespan in years, months, weeks, hours

If you are bad at calculating dates / days, then "the Age Calculator" can be very handy. It is a free application to calculate the Age details on the basis of provided birthday date and current date. It accurately shows the age result in the form of years, months, weeks, days, hours,

Estimate & calculate Salary with Naukri PayCheck tool is leading jobs portal in India. It has launched new "Paycheck" tool that allow estimation of your probable salary in specific job position. Final figures are calculated on basis on number of factors from huge database of profiles already listed on the website. To get

Calculate Calories burned from your weight & miles run

So, you have been running a lot to remove that extra flab? Running is best way to burn calories and reduce fat on the body. While there are number of complex ways calculate calories burned from your daily run, here is most simple way by using 'Calories Burned Calculator'. Related -

Online Calculator with Currency converter, save time!

Users dealing with money perform lot of calculations on daily basis. Besides calculating numbers, they also get dirty with currency conversion process. Curculator brings both calculator and currency converter in one interface to save lots of time. It has neat interface and you can perform