There are number of ways to convert a colorful photo into a black & white image (like free tintii filter). To add more jazz and style to final image you can experiment by converting image into black and white visual but retaining few specific colors in different areas of the image.
Foxtabs add different color to every tab in Firefox
Too many opened tabs confuse you or make it difficult for quick identification? FoxTabs can solve this problem in a colorful way. It assigns different color to each tab in Firefox for quick & easy identification. You don't have to mess around with settings of assigning color to each
Falcon add arrows, doodles & image editing effects online
Falcon is a new online editor for basic image and text editing from Aviary. It has usual markup editing options but with exception of being super quick (its hardly 90k and loads very quickly in your web browser). Nothing to download, install and even register or login. Just open Falcon in
Add color to black & white photos with free tintii filter
Adding color to black and white photos can take lot of time, effort and patience in Photoshop. Ideally, it requires you to select different areas in the photo and assign specific color to it. You can make this process very easy and super quick using free application Tintii Photo