Show non-obtrusive Ads using Stripe Ad WP Plugin


Banner ads, pop ups ads, pop in ads, in-text ads – list keeps getting bigger and bigger. Here is another type of advertising format not talked about too much - Strip Ad. It is basically a text ad shown at the top of a webpage. It is NOT a new type of advertising with few big and popular blogs already using it for a while now.

These ads always catch an eye of a visitor as the webpage loads. On the other hand they are non-obtrusive and do not break the reading experience of a visitor. MaxBlogPress has released free wordpress plugin to show Stripe ads on WordPress blogs.

Plugin offer number of customization features. You can easily configure text ads you want to show on the strip at the top of a webpage. Besides you can also set Weight to a particular ad to make it appear more frequently.

Appearance of textcan also be customized. You can configure the color, font, style and alignment of the text appearing. Any number of stripe ads can be created using this plugin.

Stripe Ad WordPress Plugin: Click here for info & Download 

Besides advertising text links, you can also use it to highlight any special article link on your blog. Interesting way to catch visitor attention to your special posts or advertising links. [via Johnchow]


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