Looks like Twitter season is in full bloom. Recently we covered 3 Tools to share photos on Twitter from PC or Mobile and here comes another one – TwitterShare.
Besides photos, with TwitterShare you can also share music, video, and other files with friends using Twitter.
It allows you to share a file maximum of 10 MB in size. You only need Twitter login details to use this free service.
MAC users can download the application while Xp/Vista version is yet to launch. In the meantime you can use web based interface to get taste of things Twittershare offer.
Be careful while sharing file on twitter. Remember everything can be dugged out and hence refrain from sharing private photos and files.
TwitterShare: Share File on TwitterÂÂ
And yes keep the copyright stuff away. With these good words you are all set to use this service. Twit twit… [via RWW]