Bored of usual names assigned to different icons on Windows desktop screen? You can easily spice up icon names / labels by renaming them to any desired name on Windows 7, Vista or XP computer. With renaming you can customize icon text as per requirement that allow easier and faster access to icons on the desktop screen.
Manual renaming of icons on Windows desktop
You can manually rename majority of icons on the desktop. This should work on all icons on Windows 7 desktop, while on majority of icons except few on Windows XP computer.
1. Right click on the icon on desktop screen.
2. Then click on ‘rename’ option.
3. Type new name for the icon.
Utility to rename desktop icons
Download Desktop Renamer tool to easily change name of desktop icons including: recycle bin, my computer, my documents and my network places. It is a portable tool that allow renaming of desktop icons, that cannot be renamed using manual renaming routine as explained above. For sure one quick and easy method to change desktop icon name without need to mess around with registry entries.