Read Gmail without password in web based RSS Reader


FreeMyFeed can free up any RSS feed from the clutches of a password. Usually password protected RSS feeds are not support in number of web based RSS readers like Google Reader. This site acts as a proxy between the original feed and your feed reader, while promising your credentials to be safe.

With this service you can also access unread gmail messages without any password. Just enter your gmail username, password and the feed URL

You will get an alternate URL with various options to access the resultant RSS feed. You can also copy the resultant RSS feed from the bottom of the Alternate URL page and add it to your Google Reader.

Is this safe? Please be mindful about the use of this alternate URL. It is inadvisable to share your personalized alternate URL with anyone. Sharing your URL will give users unrestricted access to your RSS feed which will compromise its security.

While now we do have way to access gmail without username and password requirement, still a question remains – are you comfortable dishing out login details in such manner? Checkout FreeMyFeed [via GoogleSystem]


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