Long back in June Blogger introduced Blogger import / export feature along with loads of other new Blogger features. Import – export feature just got better and now support very large blogger blogs.
Based on feedback lot of improvement has been done to this feature. Now, blogger want you to test this feature provide feedback for further improvement. So, if you are running a large blogger blog – give this feature a test drive and submit your feedback here.
Instead of using www.blogger.com, use draft.blogger.com and sign into your blogger account. Then click on ‘settings’ button. You will see ‘import blog’, ‘export blog’ and ‘delete blog’ button as shown in image above.
As pointed by Blogger blog, make sure you first test this feature on a temporary throw away blog. Also, currently it only support importing Blogger blogs. “… We don’t yet support importing from WordPress, Typepad, LiveJournal or any other blogging platforms.”
So, is suport for importing from Wordpres, Typepad etc is in MAKING? If yes, then this is great and Blogger will rock more and more!
Related – Save your AOL Journal, Import & Convert to Blogger