Find travel distance between two places on Google


What is the distance between Paris and New York? Google will provide you direct answer to this question instead of listing third party websites which you may click for possible answer. Distance Miles between specified cities will be displayed directly on your screen. This is possible through distance card feature which optionally also show additional information like travel time and driving directions powered by direction card feature on Google Search website. Besides Google Search mobile app, this feature also works on desktop version of Google website.

Search syntax filter for distance between two places

distance from X to Y can be used directly in Google Search box to know distance between X and Y location (cities or places). For example: distance from Paris to Ohio is 4,006 miles. Map preview is also displayed indicating specific locations which you can click through to see more detailed map. Other syntax(s) that you may use for knowing distance between two places:

Google for travel distance miles between two places

distance from X to Y
distance X to Y
distance between X and Y

Driving directions & Travel time for specific places

If you are using this search filter for locations relatively closer to each other, Google will show additional information like: travel time in hours, distance in Kms and detailed step by step driving directions. For example: distance from New York to Ohio shows following results.

Google for travel distance, driving directions

It shows travel time of 8 hours 51 minutes and total distance of 925.3 km. You can click the big down arrow button to see detailed turn by turn driving directions on Google Search page itself.

Video: Google Search distance between two places

This feature makes basic travel distance information readily available for popular cities, locations and places. So, next time while planning for future travel just use this real simple Google Search Tip to quickly know travel distance, travel time and even driving directions – can’t be more handy than this, what say?


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