Get Email Notification when someone clicks your URL


Ever wanted to know if someone has clicked on the link you sent? YES, then LinkBlip is one cool web service you need. This free services will send you instant email notification as soon as link sent by you is clicked by someone.

It has colorful and easy to use interface. You need to enter your email address, the actual URL and then click on OK. You will get snipped or special URL [like:] You need to send this snipped URL to your friends.

When someone clicks the special/snipped URL, you get email notification with the time they clicked it as well as the city and statethey were in. LinkBlip can be referred as combination of URL snipping and notification service.

There are number of URL snipping service that convert a long URL into short one. Some services add extra feature of making URL snipping more Decent and Meaningful.

LinkBlip – Click here to create link with active email notification 

LinkBlip is also a URL snipping service but with an over-powering feature of instant email notification. A unique and useful concept that will attract many takers. [via LifeHacker]


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