Check if number is prime & see Factors of non-prime number


Teaching kids is no easy task, sometime even a simplest of task can be huge for parents. For example: checking if a specific number is prime or not. Also, checking factors of the number if specific number is not a prime number. Are you looking for help in this regard of prime numbers and factors?

FactorIt to see prime numbers & factors

1. Download FactorIt program and unzip it.
2. Launch the program by double clicking FactorIt icon.
3. Enter any number that you want to check.
4. Click “Factor It” button to check if specified number is prime or see factors is that number is non-prime.


Also See: Solve Integration problemsImprove Vocabulary online

Besides checking for individual numbers, you can calculate factors for any given number range. Enter the start-end number range and click “calculate factors for range” button to see all the factors for the given number within specified range. One cool program to help your kid in their homework (and it does not require install: just download, unzip to launch the program).


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