Watch multiple Youtube videos in 3D cube

YouCube offer an interesting way to see multiple Youtube videos in the form of interactive 3D cube. You can load upto 6 Youtube videos each playing on either side of the cube. Click on the buttons on the left side and enter specific Youtube video URL. Related - Youtube Game: 30

Record & save webcam video of messenger chat

Do you want to record webcam video of video chat done through messenger? EatCam Webcam recorder software makes this process real easy and allows you to record video chat webcam videos from MSN, ICQ, AIM and Yahoo Messenger. You can save the output in AVI, FLV, WMV video format and play

Watch full length movies & TV shows on Youtube

Google needs a way to earn some money from Youtube real quick considering huge daily loses being piled up. Finally, Youtube is showing some spark by showcasing premium video content on the website. Now you can watch full length movies and TV shows online. As expected, most of the content

Link to any part of Youtube Video start time

Youtube videos are generally short and crisp. However, there are times when you want to share only small part of long Youtube video. There is an easy hack whick allows you to link and share specific part of Youtube. This is based on start time (on the timeline) from the point you want

Share Mp3 & youtube / Imeem videos on Twitter

Twitter can be very addictive and if you are getting bored of expressing yourself with only text, how about sending a tweet loaded with your favorite Mp3 song or Youtube video? web service allows you to do this in few simple clicks. To get started, enter your Twitter username,

Download & save DailyMotion videos

DailyMotion is a very popular video sharing website. Unlike Youtube, it has loads of high quality videos and less video take-downs. DownloadToolz has free utility that allows you download and save any DailyMotion video. Just enter video URL and hit the add button. Utility will

Skip MegaUpload waiting time & download directly

Megauploadis very popular file hosting and file sharing website. However, like many such websites - free users have to wait for few seconds and stare at advertisements before the final download link appears. MU Bundle Final firefox extension aims to free you from wait agony and access

How to download Veoh videos ?

Veoh is a popular video website that does not provide option to download . Incase you want to download videos on Veoh website, checkout free Veoh video downloader utility. Just enter the Veoh video URL and click on Add button. Veoh video will be downloaded to specified folder on your

Watch videos In-sync mode in Yahoo Messenger

Ideally we can share and watch Youtube videos while chatting with friends on Yahoo Messenger. Zync plug-in adds new dimension to watching videos in Yahoo Messenger. It allows you and your friends to watch videos in perfect sync. With this plugin installed, paste video link in IM chat

Explore Flickr Videos with Flickr Clock timeline

Flickr Videos is now open to all member with HD video option for Pro Flickr users. Expect to see lot of users uploading lot of videos on Flickr. How about checking out interesting videos on Flickr using Flickr clock? It has bar image preview of videos on a timeline. You can click on

Upload videos for free on Flickr, HD for PRO

Video upload option on Flickr is now available for all members (free and Pro). Free account members can now share 2 videos a month (need to install Uploadr version 3.1.4 available on Flickr Tools page). HD (high definition) video upload option is only available to PRO

Upload & host HD videos for free on TinyPic

TinyPic has been favorite web service to upload and share photos with ease. Soon it may become preferred web service to host HD (high Definition) videos. Now you can upload videos in HD format upto 200MB size. As pointed by Webware, this limit will be raised to 500MB per video. There is no