How can you browse Wikipedia without connecting to internet? Well, one smart way is to dump wikipedia in compressed format on your computer and refer any wikipedia article without the need of internet.
WikiTaxi lets you do the same, it is a portable application that delivers Wikipedia of your choice to wherever you go. It enables you to read, search, and browse Wikipedia offline. No Internet connection is needed, all pages are stored in a WikiTaxi database
WikiTaxi uses compression to make sure that the database stays reasonably small. The huge English Wikipedia easily fits on a 8 GB memory stick. It has multilingual support, which means that you can use it for Wikipedias from different languages.
You can update WikiTaxi’s Wikipedia database anytime by going online once in few days or weeks. WikiTaxi does not require installation. Just extract the WikiTaxi archive to any folder and this folder can be on a fixed hard drive or a portable device like memory stick or flash card.
Download WikiTaxi [link] free potable application – it is an excellent application for frequent Wikipedia users. However, you need 8GB of space for the database – need to sort out that part!
P.S. After you download WikiTaxi application, you need to download Wiki dump available on WikiTaxi Website. Then import the dump in WikiTaxi and you are all set to use WikiTaxi.