Add special character symbols to Twitter tweets


Twitter has simple 140 character restricted communication platform. There are number of ways to extend this 140 character limitation by adding more content than just 140 characters. You can also add more spice to those 140 characters by using special symbols mixed with usual text characters. You can send heart, smiley, sun, star symbol in tweets from your Twitter account.

Twitter symbols to add special characters

Head over to Twitter symbols for adding any listed special character to your tweets. Double click to select and then press Ctrl + C to copy the special symbol. Then goto to send tweet interface and press Ctrl + V to paste the special symbol. You can also use this service through quick bookmark.

Twitter keys to enhance tweet content

Twitterkeys is a browser bookmarklet that allows you to add special symbols to tweets. Besides the manual copy paste of special characters, you can add it as browser bookmarklet for quick addition of special characters to tweets.


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