Rapidshare file downloader for premium users


rapidwareX-logoRapidWareX is a free downloading tool specifically for premium (paid) Rapidshare account users. To get started you need to login using Rapidshare premium account details. It shows your account status so that you can schedule your downloads as per available limit. It has easy to use interface with number of configuration options.

Features of RapidWareX downloader

1. Allows you to input a whole list of links at once.
2. Supports simultaneous, retry and failed downloads.
3. Secure login over HTTPS & prevent phishing attacks.
4. It can check remaining traffic on your account .
5. Directly import & export collections of links.
6. Allows streaming of video and audio directly from server.


Download RapidWareX program, unzip the RAR file and launch the program. Goto “Settings” tab and enter login details of your premium Rapidshare account and click “Update” button. Now you are all set to use this cool program for downloading Rapidshare files with ease. Neat tool for premium Rapidshare users. Also see best Rapidshare downloader managers.


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