Generate PHP code to check browser, country, language, resolution & operating system


[For advance users] Are you looking for an easy way to generate PHP code for specific “if” condition check for you website or blog? Show{if} is a cool online tool to generate PHP code for specific “if” condition on the fly. For example, you easily generate PHP code that identify web browser of the user and display custom message accordingly.


You can customize PHP code for different parameter like: web browser, operating system, language, location / country, screen resolution etc. Whole process involves 3 steps:

1. Check boxes to select conditions for “if” PHP code.
2. Enter code or custom message for selected conditions.
3. Copy & paste the code on your website or blog.

This can be very useful like showing ads only to users coming from Google search. You can customize your landing pages based on user country and language. You can also load different website resolution design based on user screen size and web browser. Head over to Show{if} to generate PHP code for implementing if conditions on the fly.


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