Lost in Tweets? Create group twitter feed to Ease out


Sometimes following and managing tons of tweets on Twitter can get over you. Well, ease out and check a cool way to organize Twitter experience by creating a group twitter feed with TweetPeek.

With TweetPeek you can group together tweets of your interest. You can organize tweets based on Twitter user and bring together tweets from a group of friends, family members, your company and much more.

You can create your own TweetPeek by signing up for a Free account. Enter the Twitter user you wish to create a group around, TweetPeek name and description – its all done.

You can also create widget of your TweekPeek group and display it on your blog or website. Besides, you can also check TweetPeeks created by other users on the homepage itself. You can use this service for personal as well as professional Twitter Follow up.

If TweetPeek does not excite you, then check out other Twitter Apps (list keeps growing). Few Latest Twitter Apps include: TweetBurner, SnapTweet, Twitter100, Twhirl.


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