Flicr is of the popular image hosting and sharing online community. So many people are hooked to this service browsing, commenting and of course uploading their images.
Uploading images can some time be real pain. Following are few tools that will make image uploading to your Flickr account more easy and friendly.
1. UploadrXL – It is a program to upload one or more images to Flickr and add them immediately to your Sets of Groups.
2. Photo Desktop for Flickr – It allows you to edit images before upload. Rotate, flip, tag, name, batch resize, and then batch upload your photos. All from one simple application.
3. jUploadr – It is a cross platform, cross-site Photo uploader. Currently it runs on Windows Linux and OS X and supports both Flickr and Zooomr. It allows you to set all properties of a photo before you upload it. It also supports batch editing, so you can make short work of uploading a bunch of files.
4. Flickr Importr – It is a tool for Windows that allows you to upload images to Flickr and automatically add them to groups and sets. Additionally it can import tags from a variety of third party image applications.
5. Glimmr – It  is a photo uploader for the Flickr web service. As an uploader, Glimmr can editi photo metadata (such as the Title and Description) and uploading the photos to Flickr.
6. Grabbr – It  is a small application to smooth the task of uploading screenshots to Flickr. It stays in the system tray and you need to hit CTRL+F12 to capture the currently focused window. You also get option to - crop, title describe and tag the image before uploading it directly to your account.
7. Fireflix – A Firefox browser extension that works as as a flickr uploader / manager extension.
8. Kflickr –  It is an easy to use photo uploader for flickr written for KDE. It has features like: drag-n-drop from other applications, easy editing of your photo properties (title, description, privacy, tags), access to your Flickr.com list of tags, support for more than one user, large Image preview, batch editing of photos etc.
9. FlickrSync – It is a photo synchronization application for flickr users. It displays your local folders and your flickr sets and it can establish synchronization rules between them. This way you can manage all your photos locally and FlickrSync will keep them updated in flickr.
10. Picasa2flickr – A simple plugin that allows picasa users to upload their photos to your Flickr account.
Above tools should make the image uploading process to your Flickr account much easy. [ Image credit: Flickr & KK ]