” Facebook Account Unavailable – Your account is temporarily unavailable due to site maintenance. It should be available again within a few hours. We apologize for the inconvenience“. Do you get this error message while trying to login into your Facebook account? You may not able to Facebook login due to this error message for some period of time. Fortunately, this is temporary error and should fix automatically in sometime.
Why my Facebook account is unavailable
Unavailability of Facebook account, does NOT mean it has been disabled or banned or deactivated. Infact, this issue is not related to your computer, internet connection or with your activities on Facebook website. This is a result of issues at Facebook’s end.
While few indicators point to Facebook unavailability due to constant updates to Facebook chat feature and other point to possible corruption or attack on Facebook’s infrastructure.
How do I fix this & login into my Facebook account
Since this issue is due to problems at Facebook’s end, there is not much you can do to resolve it. However, you can take note of following points for quicker recovery from this Facebook problem.
1. If Facebook account has been inaccessible for last few minutes, wait for 1-2 hours for possible restoration of Facebook account login (as this is temporary glitch) at Facebook’s end.
2. Clear browser cookies and history – then try to login into your Facebook account. Also, you may disconnect and reconnect your internet connection to refresh ip address.
3. Ask your friends in the neighbourhood, if they are able to login into Facebook account. If majority of friends are not able to login, wait for few hours and try to login again.
4. If you are the only person not able to login into Facebook in the vicinity, then you can contact Facebook by sending email at info@facebook.com (or appeals@facebook.com) for direct contact. In majority cases, Facebook will start working on solution to reported problem but will not send you any reply or follow up emails.