Test your browser online for HTML5 support


HTML5 is new emerging web standard the promises lot of new things for web designers and developers. It introduces lot of new tags allowing easy and better rendering of basic / advanced visual effects to webpages. Being new, even modern browser do not fully support HTML5 standards. You can easily check for extent of HTML5 support of your current browser using online tool at HTML5 test website.

Check for extent of HTML5 support for browser

Just launch your web browser and open website HTML5 test. It will show the extent of support by assigning marks out of 160 on different parameters like: doctype, canvas, video, audio, geolocation, storage, offline web apps.

Here is results of test on 3 different browser: Internet Explorer (11/160), Google Chrome (137/160) and Firefox (100/160). How much did your web browser score for HTML5 support?


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