Protect Eyes from computer screen glare

Lot of people use computers for long hours on daily basis. While few use PC for long time due to work profile constraints other prefer to stay connected to computer to socialize and interact with friends on social websites like Twitter, Facebook etc. What may be the reason, it is important to take care of eyes while using computer for

Star important Gmail Contacts to organize better

For an active Gmail user, sheer number of Contacts can be overwhelming. While there is grouping of Contacts feature for proper organization of contacts - not many use it (why? - it require more clicks!). Now you can use 'star' feature for one click organization of important Gmail Contacts in

Find travel distance between two places on Google

What is the distance between Paris and New York? Google will provide you direct answer to this question instead of listing third party websites which you may click for possible answer. Distance Miles between specified cities will be displayed directly on your screen. This is possible through

Stop Google Plus users from sending emails on Gmail

Google has introduced a new feature that allows any Google Plus user (even unknown strangers) to email you on your connected Gmail account. While this is a next step for integration of Google Plus with other Google services like Gmail but it can be a major privacy hazard. By default this feature is

Download beautiful Chromecast Screensaver photos

Google Chromecast comes loaded with default screensaver slideshow of beautiful images. It is activated automatically when you do not cast music or videos. Interesting part is, this screensaver is updated by Google in the back-end and new photos are continuously added to this photo slideshow. As

Find Hard Drive space used by Google Chrome History

While we surf internet websites in Google Chrome browser, history of data downloads, cookies and temporary files builds up in the background. If you do not delete internet history of Google Chrome browser regularly, it can build up and take lot of hard drive space on the computer. Do you want to

How to remove bubble Facebook Chat Box layout

Facebook has updated chat box with new layout. Now chat messages appear in bubble like layout just like they appear on smartphones. While new layout is eye catching and is cool for small screen devices like phones, desktop users may still want to use old simple Facebook Chat box layout. So, is there

How to print Flickr pictures on Photo Book directly

If you regularly use Flickr for uploading and storing photos, then here is an update worth checking out. Now Flickr has integrated online Photo Books creation tool (web service). Using your existing pictures in Flickr account, you can directly create and print beautiful photo books in few quick

10 reasons why people don’t use Real photos on Facebook

Just got a friend request from Facebook user with fake profile photo - isn't this too common these days? There are lot of Facebook profiles not using real pictures but using other photos of: celebrities, animals, cartoons, stock photos and more. Is that person shy or plans to do something illegal?

How to delete name on Gmail Sign-in page from previous login

Google has introduced new unified login page for all Google services. Irrespective of which Google service you login like Gmail, Youtube - it will redirect you to new one account Google login page. How is my Login name, profile photo & email ID is visible on Gmail Sign-In page even after I have

New Gmail Login page, same for all Google services

Google has decided on universal "One Account" login page for all Google services. Hence, whenever you try to login into either of Google service, you will be redirected to universal login page located at url. No more custom login pages for each Google services including: Youtube,

5 Gmail security settings to check for account safety

All of us want to keep email conversations private and hence security of an email account is very important. Gmail users can easily ensure safety and security of their email account by following few basic steps. Following is listing of Gmail settings and features that should be checked to ensure

Allow other users to manage Gmail email on my behalf

Are you too busy to manage Gmail email account on daily basis? Need a virtual assistant that can read, delete and send emails on your behalf  from within existing Gmail account? Using Delegation feature in Gmail, you can assign any specific person or multiple users to manage Gmail account on your